Portugal trip, 14th April to 1st May 2006
Systematic List
Part IV: Shorebirds
Note: All dates refer to April 2006 except where specified.
Species in pink are likely to be of most interest to British birders
Systematic List
Part IV: Shorebirds
Note: All dates refer to April 2006 except where specified.
Species in pink are likely to be of most interest to British birders
OYSTERCATCHER Haematopus ostralegus (Ostraceiro)
At least 15 at Lagne de Óbidos on 18th.
BLACK-WINGED STILT Himantopus himantopus (Pernilongo)
Very common in the Algarve and around the Tejo Estuary near Lisbon with estimates of c50 at Hortas on 19th and 40 at Castro Marim on 27th and 28th. Elsewhere up to 5 at Elvas on 23rd and 24th. Chicks were observed at Forte de Rato (Tavira) on 29th.

Black-winged Stilts, Quinta do Lago, 15th April

Black-winged Stilt, Elvas, 23rd April

Black-winged Stilt, Castro Marim, 26th April

Black-winged Stilts, Castro Marim, 27th April

Black-winged Stilt, Castro Marim, 28th April

Black-winged Stilt with chicks, Forte do Rato, 29th April
AVOCET Recurvirostra avosetta (Alfaiate)
Common in the Algarve. Generally less so than Black-winged Stilt but 55 at Forte de Rato on 28th. Elsewhere the only sighting was a flock of 250 at Ponta da Erva on the Tejo Estuary on 19th.

Avocet, Castro Marim, 27th April

Avocets, Castro Marim, 28th April
STONE-CURLEW Burhinus oedicnemus (Alcaravão)
Seven east of Mourão (in Spain) on 23rd. In the Alentejo, 2 heard east of Mértola and 2 seen west of Mértola on 25th. Finally in the eastern Algarve pairs seen at Azinhal on 29th and at Castro Marim on 27th and 1st May.

Stone-Curlew, Azinhal, 29th April
COLLARED PRATINCOLE Glareola pratincola (Perdiz-do-mar)
A fabulous colony at Ponta da Erva on 19th and 20th consisted of perhaps 30 birds. Another colony at Elvas on 23rd and 24th consisted of 20 birds, although only 1 seen on the second date. Other than these, the only sighting was 1 at Castro Marim on 28th.

Collared Pratincoles, Ponta da Erva, 19th April

Collared Pratincoles, Ponta da Erva, 20th April

Collared Pratincoles, Elvas, 23rd April
LITTLE RINGED PLOVER Charadrius dubius (Borrelho-pequeno-de-coleira)
Only seen in the Alentejo where a pair at Elvas on 23rd and 24th and a pair west of Mértola on 25th.

Little Ringed Plover, Elvas, 23rd April

Little Ringed Plover, west of Mértola, 25th April
RINGED PLOVER Charadrius hiaticula (Borrelho-grande-de-coleira)
One at Quinta do Lago on 15th and up to 20 at Castro Marim on 26th and 28th.
KENTISH PLOVER Charadrius alexandrinus (Borrelho-de-coleira-interrompida)
Common in the Algarve where 20 at Ludo Farm on 29th. Elsewhere near Lisbon’s Tejo Estuary 2 at Ponta da Erva on 19th and up to 10 at Marinhas do Samouco on 19th and 21st.

Kentish Plovers, ETAR Waterworks (Montenegro), 15th April

Kentish Plover, Ludo Farm, 29th April

Kentish Plovers, Castro Marim, 30th April
GREY PLOVER Pluvialis squatarola (Tarambola-cinzenta)
Common in the Algarve including 70 at Castro Marim on 28th. Elsewhere 5 at Lagne de Óbidos on 18th, 10 at Hortas on 19th and 1 over Barroca d’Alva on 21st.

Grey Plover, Castro Marim, 26th April

Grey Plovers, Castro Marim, 28th April

Grey Plover, Castro Marim, 29th April
KNOT Calidris canutus (Seixoeira)
Only seen at 1 location in the Algarve: up to 100 at Forte de Rato (near Tavira) on 28th and 29th.
SANDERLING Calidris alba (Pilrito-sanderlingo)
Small numbers seen at Quinta da Lago, Castro Marim and Forte de Rato (where 6 on 29th), all in the Algarve.

Sanderling, Castro Marim, 26th April
LITTLE STINT Calidris minuta (Pilrito-pequeno)
At least 2 at Marinhas do Samouco (near Lisbon) on 19th with 25 there on 21st. Elsewhere seen at Castro Marim and Ludo Farm in the Algarve with peak counts of 10 at Castro Marim on 26th and 8 at Ludo Farm on 1st May.

Little Stint, Marinhas do Samouco, 19th April
CURLEW SANDPIPER Calidris ferruginea (Pilrito-de-bico-comprido)
At least 10 at Marinhas do Samouco (near Lisbon) on 19th with 1 there on 21st. Good numbers at Castro Marim 26th-1st May including over 100 on 28th.

Curlew Sandpipers, Castro Marim, 26th April

Curlew Sandpiper, Castro Marim, 27th April

Curlew Sandpipers, Castro Marim, 1st May
DUNLIN Calidris alpina (Pilrito-comum)
Common in the Algarve and around the Tejo Estuary at Lisbon. Hundreds were at Hortas on 19th and at least 300 at Castro Marim on 28th.

Dunlins, Castro Marim, 27th April

Dunlins, Castro Marim, 1st May
RUFF Philomachus pugnax (Combatente)
One at Castro Marim on 28th was the only sighting.

Ruff (& 3 Curlew Sandpipers), Castro Marim, 28th April
SNIPE Gallinago gallinago (Narceja-comum)
Five near Ludo on 15th was the only record.
BLACK-TAILED GODWIT Limosa limosa (Maçarico-de-bico-direito)
The only sighting was at Castro Marim where there were 35 on 28th.
BAR-TAILED GODWIT Limosa lapponica (Fuselo)
At Lagne de Óbidos there were 32 on 18th, then in the Algarve there were 12 at Forte de Rato and 25 at Castro Marim on 28th.

Bar-tailed Godwits, Castro Marim, 28th April
WHIMBREL Numenius phaeopus (Maçarico-galego)
Common in small numbers in the Algarve. Elsewhere 4 at Lagne de Óbidos on 18th and 24 at Ponta da Erva on 19th.
CURLEW Numenius arquata (Maçarico-real)
Small numbers seen at Quinta do Lago on 15th, Lagne de Óbidos on 18th and Barroca d’Alva on 19th.
SPOTTED REDSHANK Tringa erythropus (Perna-vermelha-escuro)
Six at Castro Marim on 28th with 1 at a different part of Castro Marim on 1st May.

Redshank (left) and Spotted Redshank (right), Castro Marim, 28th April
REDSHANK Tringa totanus (Perna-vermelha-comum)
Small numbers in the Algarve with 15 at Castro Marim on 28th.
GREENSHANK Tringa nebularia (Perna-verde-comum)
Up to 7 at several locations in the Algarve and 17 at Lagne de Óbidos on 18th.

Greenshank, Quinta do Lago, 15th April

Greenshank, Castro Marim, 28th April
COMMON SANDPIPER Actitis hypoleuca (Maçarico-das-rochas)
Common in most areas, although no more than 3 at any one location.

Common Sandpiper, Lagne de Óbidos, 18th April

Common Sandpiper, Castro Marim, 27th April

Common Sandpiper, Castro Marim, 30th April

Common Sandpiper, Castro Marim, 1st May
TURNSTONE Arenaria interpres (Rola-do-mar)
Common in the Algarve and around the Tejo Estuary where 40 at Alcochette on 19th.

Turnstone, Castro Marim, 26th April

Turnstone, Quinta do Lago, 15th April
Click here to go on to Part V of the systematic list: Other non-passerines
Part I: Wildfowl and Gamebirds
Part II: Grebes to Flamingo
Part III: Raptors to Bustards
Part V: Other non-passerines
Part VI: Passerines
Part VII: Other non-avian wildlife
Or to return to the overview of the regions visited, including very brief details of the main birding sites:
Algarve I - 14th to 16th April
Lisbon - 16th to 21st April
Alentejo - 21st to 26th April
Algarve II - 26th April to 1st May
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