Sunday, May 28, 2006

Grebes to Flamingo

Portugal trip, 14th April to 1st May 2006

Systematic List
Part II: Grebes to Flamingo

Note: All dates refer to April 2006 except where specified.
Species in pink are likely to be of most interest to British birders


LITTLE GREBE Tachybaptus ruficollis (Mergulhão-pequeno)

Common in the Algarve with small numbers at several sites. Elsewhere, in the Alentejo singles at Elvas on 23rd and between Mértola and Castro Verde on 24th.

Little Grebe, Ludo (Portugal), 29-Apr-06
Little Grebe, Ludo Farm, 29th pril

GREAT CRESTED GREBE Podiceps cristatus (Mergulhão-de-crista)

In the Algarve seen at Quinta do Lago, Castro Marim and Ludo Farm with 6 at the latter site on 29th. Also 3 in Spain east of Mourão on 21st.

Great Crested Grebe, Ludo (Portugal), 29-Apr-06
Great Crested Grebe, Ludo Farm, 29th pril

GANNET Morus bassanus (Ganso-patola)

One seen from Ponta da Areia on 26th and at least 20 past there on 28th.

CORMORANT Phalacrocorax carbo (Corvo-marinho-de-faces-brancas)

Small numbers seen at several locations in the Algarve and at Ponta da Erva and Lagne de Óbidos.

Cormorant, Quinta do Lago (Portugal), 15-Apr-06
Cormorant, Quinto do Lago, 15th April

LITTLE BITTERN Ixobrychus minutus (Garça-pequena)

A single male was watched from the hide at Quinta do Lago on 15th.

Little Bittern, Quinta do Lago (Portugal), 15-Apr-06
Little Bittern, Quinto do Lago, 15th April

NIGHT HERON Nycticorax nycticorax (Socó-taquari)

Three adults roosting at Hortas (near Alcochette) on 19th (thanks to Sparky Faísca).


CATTLE EGRET Bubulcus ibis (Garca-vaqueira)

Small numbers at several sites in the central Algarve and around the Tejo estuary. More numerous in the Alentejo and eastern Algarve with 45 between Mértola and Castro Verde on 24th and 31 at Castro Marim on 30th.

Cattle Egret, Elvas (Portugal), 24-Apr-06
Cattle Egret, Elvas, 24th April

Cattle Egret, Castro Marim (Portugal), 27-Apr-06
Cattle Egret, Castro Marim (Portugal), 27-Apr-06
Cattle Egrets, Castro Marim, 27th April

LITTLE EGRET Egretta garzetta (Garça-branca-pequena)

Small numbers in the Algarve, around the Tejo Estuary and at Lagne de Óbidos. Best counts 10 at Barroca d’Alva on 21st and Castro Marim on 28th. Inland, up to 5 east of Mourão (in Spain) on 21st and 22nd with 1 between there and Badajoz on 23rd.

GREAT WHITE EGRET Egretta/Ardea alba (Garça-branca-grande)

One in flight at Barroca d’Alva on 21st.


GREY HERON Ardea cinerea (Garça-real)

Common with small numbers at several locations.

Grey Heron, Castro Marim (Portugal), 28-Apr-06
Grey Heron, Castro Marim, 28th April

PURPLE HERON Ardea purpurea (Garça-roxa)

Only seen in the Lisbon area where singles at Barroca d’Alva on 19th and 21st, 10 at Ponta da Erva on 19th with 8 there next day.

Purple Heron, Ponta da Erva (Portugal), 19-Apr-06
Purple Heron, Ponta da Erva, 19th April

Purple Heron, Ponta da Erva (Portugal), 20-Apr-06 Purple Heron, Ponta da Erva (Portugal), 20-Apr-06
Purple Heron, Ponta da Erva, 20th April

BLACK STORK Ciconia nigra (Cegonha-preta)

Two in flight east of Mourão (in Spain) on 23rd.


WHITE STORK Ciconia ciconia (Cegonha-branca)

Very common and conspicuous everywhere. Large concentrations of nests in some areas, especially between Mértola and Castro Verde every telegraph pole held a nest for considerable distances.

White Stork, near Quinta do Lago (Portugal), 15-Apr-06 White Stork, near Quinta do Lago (Portugal), 15-Apr-06
White Stork, near Ludo, 15th April

White Stork, Mértola - Castro Verde (Portugal), 25-Apr-06 White Stork, Mértola - Castro Verde (Portugal), 24-Apr-06
White Storks, between Mértola and Castro Verde, 25th (left) and 24th (right) April

White Stork, Castro Marim (Portugal), 1-May-06
White Stork, Castro Marim, 1st May

GLOSSY IBIS Plegadis falcinellus (Íbis-preta)

Two flew south along the River Guadiana at Elvas on 24th.


SPOONBILL Platalea leucorodia (Colhereiro)

Small numbers seen at several sites in the Algarve, east of Lisbon and at Lagne de Óbidos. Best counts were 9 at the ETAR waterworks in Montenegro on 15th and 10 at Castro Marim on 28th. The latter included three ringed birds with codes 1XF, 7FA and 60C.

Spoonbill, Lagne de Óbidos (Portugal), 18-Apr-06
Spoonbill, Lagne de Óbidos, 18th April

Spoonbill, Castro Marim (Portugal), 26-Apr-06
Spoonbill, Castro Marim (Portugal), 26-Apr-06
Spoonbill, Castro Marim, 26th April

Spoonbill, Castro Marim (Portugal), 28-Apr-06
Spoonbills, Castro Marim (Portugal), 28-Apr-06
Spoonbills, Castro Marim, 28th April

Spoonbill, Castro Marim (Portugal), 30-Apr-06
Spoonbill, Castro Marim, 30th April

GREATER FLAMINGO Phoenicopterus roseus (Flamingo-comum)

Eight at Lagne de Óbidos on 18th, large numbers around the Tejo Estuary including c100 at Hortas on 19th and finally c200 at Castro Marim on 28th.


Click here to go on to Part III of the systematic list: Raptors to Bustards

Part I: Wildfowl and Gamebirds
Part III: Raptors to Bustards
Part IV: Shorebirds
Part V: Other non-passerines
Part VI: Passerines
Part VII: Other non-avian wildlife

Or to return to the overview of the regions visited, including very brief details of the main birding sites:

Algarve I - 14th to 16th April
Lisbon - 16th to 21st April
Alentejo - 21st to 26th April
Algarve II - 26th April to 1st May